Hydros for heroes

Privacy Policy

Hydros for Heroes takes seriously the privacy of those that visit our website. Therefore, we have established this Privacy Policy to communicate what information we collect and how that information is used and safeguarded.

What Information is Collected and Why?

On our website, you can provide information for ministry-related purposes to order and pay for literature, register and pay for courses and events, or make ministry contributions. Here are the types of personal information that we collect:

  • Contact Information: Name, Organization, phone, email address.
  • Payment Information: Method of payment, credit card ID, and essential verification information.
  • Personal Information: Social Security Number
  • Shipping Information: Name, organization, and complete shipping address.
  • Correspondence Information: Suggestions, comments, messages, questions, and requests for further information.
  • Usage Information: IP address, browser type, operating system, and date stamps.

How is the Information Used?

Hydros for Heroes uses contact information to communicate with you. We use payment information to complete a purchase or contribution transaction. Credit card numbers are used only for donation or payment processing and are not retained for any other purpose. Social Security information is only used to initiate background screenings on Board Members, Staff, and Volunteers as required by our Child Protection Policy. We use shipping information to deliver resources. Correspondence information is used to accept recommendations, answer questions, and facilitate future correspondence as requested.

We use log files to track trends and improve the user experience. This data is not linked to personally identifiable information. We release account and other personal information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law or protect the rights, property, or safety of Hydros for Heroes, our users, or others.

Hydros for Heroes never sells, rents, leases, or exchanges any information obtained online with other organizations. Hydros for Heroes never discloses the identity of its donors to others. While Hydros for Heroes contracts with printing, credit card verification, auditing, and other like firms to help us in our work, use of the information is limited to the internal purposes of our ministry.

How We Protect What We Know About You:

Hydros for Heroes is committed to ensuring the security of your personal information. We use Internet Encryption Software, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol when collecting or transferring sensitive data such as credit card information. Credit Card information you enter is encrypted at your browser, sent over the public Internet in encrypted form, then de-encrypted at our server. Your Credit Card information is only readable by STRIPE or GIVELIFY to process payments or donations, respectively. Social Security information is only requested of Board members, staff, and volunteers and is safeguarded and only used to initiate background screenings through the Protect My Ministry database.


A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user’s hard drives containing information about the user. Cookies allow us to keep track of your user name and password, so you don’t have to re-enter that information each time you visit one of our sites. Most browsers contain information on setting your browser to notify you before accepting cookies or disabling cookies entirely. However, if you don’t accept cookies, you may not be able to take advantage of various features on our sites available to other visitors.

Limitation of Liability

Hydros for Heroes will not be liable for any damages or injury that accompany or result from your use of any of its sites. These include, but are not limited to, damages or injury caused by any:

  • Use of or any inability to use the sites
  • Use of or inability to use any site to which you hyperlink from our sites
  • Failure of our sites to perform in the manner you expected or desired
  • Error or omission our sites
  • Interruption of availability of our sites
  • Defect our sites
  • Delay in operation or transmission of our sites
  • Computer virus or line failure

We are not liable even if we’ve been negligent or if our authorized representative has been advised of the possibility of such damages.


Our Web sites may contain links to other sites. Such a link should not be seen as an endorsement, approval, or agreement with any information or resources offered at sites you can access through our sites. Please be aware that Hydros for Heroes is not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every Web site that collects personally identifiable information.

Notification of Changes

We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time. Suppose we decide to change our privacy policy. In that case, we will post those changes on our privacy-related Web pages, so our users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it.

If you have any questions or need to contact us about anything in this privacy policy, please don’t hesitate to email us at info@hydrosforheroes.com or call Craig McKenzie at (360) 929-1712 or Jim Woessner at (360) 929-2302.